Tier 1 Document Review Service
You are purchasing the tier 1 document review service, which provides document review of 1-10 pages. You will receive written feedback which will include comments and suggestions. If appropriate, you’ll be alerted to red flags or other potential issues.
Please note that your document will stay confidential and within the firm and any associates that work with the firm.
You are purchasing the tier 1 document review service, which provides document review of 1-10 pages. You will receive written feedback which will include comments and suggestions. If appropriate, you’ll be alerted to red flags or other potential issues.
Please note that your document will stay confidential and within the firm and any associates that work with the firm.
You are purchasing the tier 1 document review service, which provides document review of 1-10 pages. You will receive written feedback which will include comments and suggestions. If appropriate, you’ll be alerted to red flags or other potential issues.
Please note that your document will stay confidential and within the firm and any associates that work with the firm.
You agree to purchase the item described only, and the purchase of this item does not include any other services to be performed by the firm. If you require additional services, please contact the firm. Once the purchase order has been completed. You can expect to receive your written review in 48 hours. Given that there may sometimes be technical difficulties and events outside of the firm’s control that impact delivery times, please note that the 48 hour delivery time is not a guarantee. If you require a faster turn around, please send an email to sheliah@sheliahugginslaw, with the subject line: Urgent Document Review Needed. Refunds are not provided once the review has been completed, even if the review has not yet been emailed to you. Upon payment by you, the payment will be deposited into the firm trust account. You agree that the firm shall be entitled to the full payment upon completion and emailing of the written review to you.